
A 60 year old male came to general medicine OPD with the chief complaints of unresponsive state

29/12/22  General medicine elog  Hi , I am K.Sai Rithindar Reddy,3rd semester student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.  CHIEF COMPLAINTS:    A 60 yrs old male who is daily wage worker by occupation resident of sangaram came to casuality with chief complaints of unresponsive since yesterday night .  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 yrs then he developed Diabetes Mellitus 2 patient was on insulin  4 yrs back patient developed giddiness & while working patient had fracture in Right upper limb & Right lower limb  2 yrs back patient developed similar episodes of altered sensory & hyperglycemia  10 days back patient developed swelling on lower limbs & ulceration on right toe for which he was diagnosed with diabetic foot & treated with antibiotics.  PAST HISTORY  :  K/C/O DM since 10 yrs & BP since 4 yrs  N/K/C/

A 55 year old male came to general medicine OPD with the chief complaints of Headache, Neck and back pain

16/12/2022  Hi I am K.Sai Rithindar Reddy of 3rd semester .This is an online E logbook to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s consent. This also reflects our patient centered online learning portfolio. The patient’s consent was taken verbally prior to history taking and examination of his/her condition. A 55 year old married male laborer came from narketpally to general medicine OPD with the chief complaints of pain in head, neck and back since 1 week HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  He was apparently asymptomatic 1 week ago From 1 week he developed dragging type of pain in head, neck and back which was gradually increasing and resistant to NSAIDS given by a local RMP whom he consulted on the day of onset. The pain in head was starting in the temporal region and extending upto the occipital region and waxing and waning and was associated with increased pain in the sleeping side when lying down side ways. It is associated with tingling sens

A 35 year old male came to general medicine OPD with chief complaints of lower limb swelling & abdominal swelling

26/12/2022   I am K.Sai Rithindar Reddy of 3rd semester .This is an online E logbook to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s consent. This also reflects our patient centered online learning portfolio. The patient’s consent was taken verbally prior to history taking and examination of his/her condition. CASE DISCUSSION:  A 35 yr old male who is driver by occupation resident of atthampeta came to opd CHIEF COMPLAINTS:  Lower limb swelling Abdominal swelling associated with pain  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  patient was apparently asymptomatic 25 days back he developed swelling in the lower limbs bilaterally below knee joint and distension of abdomen . He went to a hospital there he was diagnosed with jaundice & liver infection. Later he came to our hospital 13 days back .  PAST HISTORY :  No similar complaints in the past  He is a known case of Diabetes Mellitus No known case of HTN, Asthma,  TB,Epipepsy   He had a surgery on the neck


 16/12/2022  CASE DISCUSSION:  A 57 yr old male came to OPD who is a farmer came with , CHEIF COMPLAINTS:  unable to walk since 3 days  multiple joint pains since 15 days  swelling of bilateral lower limbs since 10 days  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS :  when he was tring to get up from bed he was unable to do followed by multiple joint pains .no tingling & numbness of limbs no h/o fever, breathlessness,loose stool, vomitings,decreased urine output  PERSONAL HISTORY :  Appetite: Decreased appetite Diet:Mixed Bowel and Bladder habits:regular Addictions: He is chronic alcoholic since 10 years ,he drinks daily at around 180ml/day    PAST HISTORY  :  There is no history of DM,HTN,TB, EPILEPSY. No history of blood transfusions. No history of previous surgeries.  FAMILY HISTORY:  Insignificant  GENERAL EXAMINATION:  PALLOR: ABSENT  ICTERUS:ABSENT CYANOSIS: ABSENT CLUBBING OF FINGERS/TOES: ABSENT   LYMPHADENOPATHY: ABSENT PEDAL EDEMA: ABSENT  SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION :  CVS: S1,S2 Sounds heard, N